Saturday, May 4, 2013


Greetings from New York! (my 18'th birthday gift) First of my two sim dumps. Say hi to the girls!

As some of you you might know, I'm not the big "gamer" - in fact, I hardly ever play with my sims, actually. So it would, as always, be a joy to see other people playing with them! Do whatever you want with them! Edit them and customize them - a credit would always be nice :) use them, just don't upload them to a paysite.. That would break my heart </3. All in all, I just hope that you will enjoy them :)

Three of them were requested by a few people; however, I edited the Grimes-inspired sim quite a lot. But I actually think she looks more like her now :) The only new girl is Lizzie.

- Remember, if you want to change any of the facial (or body) structure, you'll have to have all of the sliders I have in game installed! You can find them on my Recourse list.

- You have to wait for the boys, I'm still not sure which ones to upload and which ones not to.

- As I'm not the biggest fan of dressing my sims (mostly because it takes forever to load the clothes in cas), I haven't putten much thought into that. Their everyday clothes is the only decent clothes they are wearing actually. Hahah

- CC-list are included in the download


OBS: the link to the skin for Lisa Olivia apparently doesn't work. Go to and on the page 1, you'll find her skin. It's called "Sweet" :)

Also, I'm probably starting a tumblr again on the domain very soon. I don't know what to do with this blog - should I abandon it again or keep posting more important stuff such as dowloads and announcements. Well, we'll see!
